Press – The Crossing

An animated feature film following the dramatic journey of two siblings, Kyona and her brother Adriel, who are running away, because they are being pursued by an unspecified Eastern European country. A story about the neverending effort to find a new home, where we can find a better life. An effort for which we are willing to risk our lives. On this journey of hope people overcome various perils and experience the most terrible of situations. They are fueled by the awareness of who they really are, what they are running from and what they are hopeful of. In the end an experience like that becomes a story worth telling again and again.



Director – Florence Miailhe
Script – Marie Desplechin, Florence Miailhe
Artistic director of animation – Youri Tcherenkov (CZ)
Animators France – Valentine Delqueux, Marie Juin, David Martin, Aurore Peuffier, Anita Brüvere, Ewa Łuczkow, Paola de Sousa Germany: Aline Helmcke, Urte Zintler, Ewa Łuczkow Czech Republic Lucie Sunková, Polina Kazak, Eva Skurská, Anna Paděrová, Zuzana Studená, Marta Szymanska
Music – Philipp E. Kümpel
Directors of postproduction – Jean Delduc, Matthias Reger
Production directors – Dominique Deluze (FR), Karsten Matern (DE), Marcela Vrátilová (CZ)
Producers – Les Films de l´Arlequin, Balance Film, MAUR film, XBO Films, ARTE France Cinéma, MDR/ARTE Germany, Česká televize

With the support of Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée, Eurimages, MDM, FFA & CNC Mini traité franco allemand, Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’image animée  (Création visuelle et sonore ), Région Occitanie, DFFF, CZECH FILM FUND, Toulouse Métropole, Lauréate 2017 – Prix spécial de la Fondation Gan pour le Cinéma, Cinema 12

Developpement of the project with support of MEDIA Programme of the European Union, ARTE / COFINOVA 5, ANGOA, PROCIREP-Société des Producteurs, Aide à l’écriture de Ciclic- Région Centre – Val de Loire, in partnership with the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée

The project benefitted the residency at the Abbaye de Fontevraud, with the support of Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication et de la Région des Pays de la Loire

Estimated length – 78 minut
Animation technique – glass hand-draw painting
Estimated release – spring 2020





Film stills HD





Interview with the director

Interview with Florence MiailheLes Lauréats about film LA TRAVERSÉE