MAUR film - Hroty



Concept, script, direction – Milan Klepikov
Collaboration on the script, dramaturgy – Vojtěch Mašek
Producer – Jiří Pecinovský (MAUR film)

Financially supported by the Czech Film Fund.


As the poet Petr Král says, the world has its future already behind it. Director Milan Klepikov’s second feature follows his debut film, Preparations for the Film T. These preparations were directed specifically towards his new work, Spikes. We were all secretly hoping that life might calm down a bit after the end of the pandemic. However, the accelerated times quickly disabused us of our error. For it seems that devastating threats of apocalyptic proportions are not diminishing, quite the contrary. A Russian dictator is threatening the West with nuclear war. Technology tycoons warn us of the threat of artificial intelligence and sign petitions to prevent the annihilation of the world. Meanwhile, meteorologists report the hottest year on record.

There is a big increase in self-harm and suicide attempts among children and adolescents. Being young has never been easy. But how are today’s youth experiencing entering a world that looks like it will soon end? Combining digital cinema verité with acting improvisation, Milan Klepikov captures the mood among teenagers and their perceptions of the latest challenges and problems of civilization in an inventive way.