Movie Description

AnimationShort film


The co-production project Three Voices is the result of uniting three interesting student films that are being made simultaneously at three Czech art schools – FAMU, UMPRUM and the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň. The creators – Daria Kashcheeva, Marie Urbánková and Martin Pertlíček – have in common an interest in film puppets and a need to pass on a message.

The project is produced by students of the film production study programme of FAMU – Mária Moťovská and Zuzana Roháčová – who in the future want to pursue film animation and it is an opportunity for them to try production work under the partonage of MAUR film, which systematically and on a long term basis looks for and supports talented animators. Producer Martin Vandas initiated this inter-school cooperation and the joining of these three films.

Uniting these films opens up many opportunities for distribution. Aside from the classic distribution routes (animated film festivals, kindred cinemas, cinema-cafés) we would like to organize screening events with an accompanying program. It would be events in the form of interactive exhibitions where the viewing of the film would be followed by a discussion with the authors and the viewers could also take a look behind the scenes, examine the puppets, costumes, film scenes. We will choose the places for screening in accordance to the atmosphere of Three Voices so we would like to focus on alternative premises (galleries, cafés, underground environments, site specific environments like the Žižkov freight railway station, Kolbenova studios) but we would also like to begin cooperation with the prestigious gallery DOX.

We were inspired by the exhibition CITY CITY at GAMU in Prague which combined the exhibition with a screening and special sound installations. We would also be open to combining the exhibition with musical performances, for example from the composer of the film music, Petr Vrba.

The project was supported by the Czech State Cinematography Fund.



Trojhlas / Three Voices (2019) Trailer | Dcera / The Daughter - Noctuelle - Betonová džungle

Trailer – Daughter

Dcera / The Daughter | Trailer

Trailer – Concrete Jungle 

Concrete Jungle | Trailer - Three Voices (2019)

Trailer – Noctuelle

Noctuelle | Trailer


Poster JPG



Daughter – Daria Kashcheeva

Director, screenplay writer, art director, animator – Daria Kashcheeva
Editor – Alexander Kashcheev
Music  Petr Vrba
DOP  Daria Kashcheeva, Bargav Sridhar
Sound – Daria Kashcheeva, Miroslav Chaloupka
Lighting – Bargav Sridhar
Producer – Zuzana Roháčová (FAMU)
Co-producer – Martin Vandas (MAUR film)

Financially supported by Czech Film Fund

International premiere10.6.2019 – Annecy International Animated Film Festival
Czech Republic / 2019 / 14 min. 44 sec. / no dialogue

→ More details on page – Daughter


Noctuelle – Martin Pertlíček

Script, Director – Martin A. Pertlíček
Kamera – Ivan Vít
Music – Petr Vrba
Cut – Alexander Kashcheev
Awards – REX Animation Film Festival (Stockholm)
Czech Republic  / 2019 / 10 min. / no dialog


The Concrete Jungle – Marie Urbánková

Writer, director, DOP, animator – Marie Urbánková
Editor – Alexander Kashcheev
Sound – Miroslav Chaloupka
Producer – UMPRUM Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Co-producer – MAUR film – Mária Moťovská

Financially supported by Czech Film Fund

→ More details on page – Concrete Jungle