The stop-motion animated short film by Thorsten Droessler and Manuel Schroeder was selected for Young Audience Short Films Category. For both directors this film is their directorial debut.
Paolo Piangino is a very happy man because he is able to cry. He cries at stories whether they have sad or happy endings. Paolo’s tears make other people happy too. They can pick Paolo’s happiness as if it was a flower, but they can’t hold on to it.
« This story touches me deeply. And I am convinced that not only children will understand it and that it will give them courage to show their feelings. Because crying is liberating: it not only expresses pain, sadness and weakness – it can also express happiness, like it does in Paolo, » says Thorsten Drößler.
« When I spoke to Thorsten Drössler about PAOLOS GLÜCK at the end of 2020, I was immediately hooked. The story is [literally!] wondrous, an insight into feelings and emotions that we rarely dare express in our stressful everyday lives. Realized as a loving stop-motion film, it was a dream and an opportunity for me and ultimately led to my first directing job, » adds Manuel Schroeder.
⟶ More details on page Paolo’ s Happiness