The short film Hurikán, directed by Jan Saska, which tells a romance set in the streets of one peculiar Prague's district, has been selected for the Sundance Film Festival.
By Maur film|2024-12-16T18:51:18+00:0016/12/2024|Categories: news|
Kafka. In Love, the latest animated short film by Latvian director Zane Oborenko, will have its national premiere at the Riga International Film Festival on October 23rd.
By Maur film|2024-10-18T11:36:09+00:0010/10/2024|Categories: news|
Suzanne Noël, a real historical figure with a romantic life and her own political vision as an aesthetic of the world. She is the "Calamity Jane" of the beautiful Parisian neighborhoods.